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Front Page - Friday, April 1, 2016

50 Years Ago

What was happening in Chattanooga in 1966?

Saturday, April 2, 1966

April has been proclaimed Dogwood Month on Signal Mountain by Mayor Chic Thomas in conjunction with the 8th annual Dogwood Festival sponsored by the Signal Mountain Community Guild and the Civic Council of Signal Mountain.

Warren Clark was nominated president of the Chattanooga Civitan Club at the club’s weekly luncheon meeting Friday at Hotel Patten to succeed Arch Trimble, Jr. Others selected to serve were Gilbert T. Stein, first vice president; Hunter Heggie, second vice president; Sam Harris, treasurer, and James D. McCullough, secretary. Dr. F.F. Huckaba was chairman of the nominating committee.

Sunday, April 3

Associated Grocers of Tennessee, Inc., will build the South’s most modern food terminal here at an overall investment of $1-million. Prince Broyles, president, and Charles West, Jr., general manager, announced. Construction will start immediately on the terminal to be located on the north section of Amnicola Highway directly across the site of the Chattanooga State Technical Institute.

A model of the Gemini Spacecraft vividly depicting the vehicle of this nation’s current space program, will be displayed at the 14th Chattanooga Regional Science Fair in the new Maclellan gymnasium, announced Robert Sudderth, associate director of the fair.

Monday, April 4

Elgin Smith, John R. McGauley and A.B. Helms were elected to the Hamilton County Equalization Board Monday by the County Court. McGauley, vice president and treasurer of Fidelity Trust Co. and an experienced real estate appraiser, was chosen over Fred Osbourne, Sr., East Ridge home builder in a 7 to 5 vote.

Tuesday, April 5

The City Commission awarded the first contract in a four-phase paving program for 1966 to Wesco Contracting Co., low bidder with an offer of $141,315.78, Tuesday on the recommendation of Commissioner Bender.

Charles R. Cook, newly elected exalted ruler of Chattanooga Lodge No. 1 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was installed at ceremonies at the Elks Lodge.

Wednesday, April 6

Dr. William H. Masterson, president-elect of the Univ. of Chattanooga, was accorded an enthusiastic welcome to the UC campus. Given a standing ovation by students attending a Patten Chapel assembly, Dr. Masterson responded by dedicating himself to the service of the UC student body and future students in the pursuit of “goals of excellence in education.”

Thursday, April 7

For the second time in two years, Jimmy Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Walker and a senior at Tyner High School, has been chosen first chair flutist in the Tennessee All-State Band for 1966. Jimmy plans to enter Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., this fall.

Friday, April 8

Citizens Motor Co. moved into its new building at 402 W. 9th St. in the Golden Gateway, Thursday. The new facility, including all modern features, was constructed at a cost of $500,000., J.E. (Pep) Lawrence said a formal opening will be held shortly.

Commissioner Bender, soliciting the support of all Chattanooga civic organizations, called for the Central Avenue and trans-river bridge” a must for the progress of the community. The Central Avenue project was recommended by the Wilbur Smith study.