Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, January 15, 2016

Mini clay planters

Do It Yourself

April Sherrill

Since I have three young children, two of whom are in elementary school, we occasionally have a project come home that involves using clay. Not too long ago my oldest daughter had to make a water cycle project, and we had so much fun making the lakes, mountains, and clouds with clay. 

I have wanted some fresh herbs in my kitchen since I cook all the time, but did not want to sit them on my windowsill because I have a four-year-old little boy that would love to play in the dirt. Of course, this meant I needed to figure out a way to house them out of hands reach.

I came across an article for small planters for succulents and decided to pull out our clay, gather my little helpers, and attempt to make some airtight herb planters. To say it was a success is an understatement, and now I have been thinking about how many ladies in my life would probably love them for their home as well. 

Supplies needed:

– Oven-bake clay

– X-acto knife

– Clay knifes (we used plastic knifes instead to save money)

– Wax paper

– Cutting board

– Rolling pin

– Twine

– Wooden skewers

– Nails or hooks

First, you will need to roll the clay out to about ¼ of an inch thick and cut a long rectangle that is 10 inches long and 2 ½ inches tall. Cut out a circle for the bottom of the planter that is 3 ½ inches wide.

Next, place the long rectangle piece on top of your circle to create the sides. To create an air-tight seal, start rolling out “snakes” with the clay, and press them along the seams where the sides meet the bottom of the planter. 

Use the clay knives to smooth out the clay “snake” between the crack to ensure a better seal. Another option for this step if you have little hands helping is to dip your fingers in water and slowly smooth out the snake to form the air-tight seal.

Use a wooden skewer to pole four evenly spaced holes near the top of your planter. Bake your clay according to the package directions and let the planter cool.

Using twine, string a piece through each hole tying a knot at the end and then all four pieces together at the top to form one large knot. Then hang from a nail or another preferred choice of hardware. 

I tend to like the simplicity and natural color of the clay so we left ours in the natural state, however, you could easily cut out shapes, letters, paint, and design the outside to your liking. These mini planters are amazing and are a great way to display indoor herbs, plants, or succulents. 


April Sherrill is a staff writer for the Hamilton County Herald. Contact her at april@dailydata.com.