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Front Page - Friday, December 11, 2015

100 Years Ago

What was happening in Chattanooga in 1915

Saturday, Dec. 11, 1915

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chambliss and Mrs. John Chambliss, who have been in New York City, will return home Sunday.

Wallace DuPre leaves next week for his home in Spartanburg, S.C.

Sunday, Dec. 12

Hon. and Mrs. Foster V. Brown announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Lula Brown, to William Lewis Campbell. The wedding will take place in January.

Miss Helen Hughes entertained Saturday with a luncheon at the English Tea Room followed by a party at the Picture Show. Invited were Misses Mary Ellen Lynde, Ruth Russell, Dorothy James, Charlotte Clifford, Mary Sue Mullins, Eleanor Lasley, Pauline Colyar, Elizabeth Howell, Louise Bass, Margaret Wight, and Margaret Wells.

James Cash will return from Johns Hopkins Medical School for the holidays. Harold Cash will come from the University of Virginia.

Monday, Dec. 13

Dr. J. Roy Baylor announces the formal dedication of the chapel at Baylor School is planned for Tuesday at 2 p.m. Dr. C.W. Kent, University of Virginia, Rt. Rev. Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, and President Payton of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railways will be the speakers.

Mrs. William Simmons has returned to Macon after a visit with Mrs. B.J. Simmons and Miss Jessie Simmons.

Tuesday, Dec. 14

Mrs. Colonel Gatewood and children and Mrs. Charles Gage of Kentucky will come to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gager.

Mrs. Henry Crumbliss of Kingston, Tenn., arrived last night for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss, Jr., on South Boynton Terrace.

Wednesday, Dec. 15

Citizens of Chattanooga are being admonished for lack of support for the Market House. The stall keepers were enthusiastic about the market and kept it up as inviting and attractive. The public has not been faithful enough in patronage, and some of the keepers are offering their stalls for sale.

Mrs. Rufus Carswell and son of Atlanta are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Carswell for Christmas.

Mrs. E.T. Newell and children returned yesterday from a visit to relatives in Natchez, Miss.

Thursday, Dec. 16

Misses Mary Elizabeth Swaney, Margaret Caldwell, Keiler, and Katherine Nolan will return from Randolph-Macon for the Christmas season.

Friday, Dec. 17

Chattanooga is saddened today by the death of well-known businessman Gervis M. Conley, who died at his home on Vine Street after a year’s illness. He was publisher of the City Directory.

Miss Elise Chapin will leave Wednesday for Dallas to visit her aunt, Mrs. Dabney. She will be honored with a dance.

Miss Mary Lee Smith will come from New York to visit her brother and sister, Carl Smith and Miss Bessie Smith.