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Front Page - Friday, October 16, 2015

100 Years Ago

As reported in the Hamilton County Herald in 1915

Saturday, Oct. 16, 1915

Presidents Day, observed at the Kosmos Club yesterday, was attended by more than 100 women. Receiving were Mrs. M.N. Whitaker, president, and the executive board members. A musical program was given by Dr. and Mrs. C.A. Garrett.

Class officers were elected and plans made for the new year yesterday at the University of Chattanooga. The presidents of classes are: freshman Leonard Simms; sophomore Carroll Denton; junior Earl Carter; and senior Angus McWhorter.

Sunday, Oct. 17

Funeral services were held Saturday in Rockwood for Capt. James Fletcher Tarwater. A native of Rockwood, Capt. Tarwater was president of the Rockwood Hosiery Mill. All Rockwood business closed during the service. Many prominent men from across the state attended.

Misses Gloria Lamb, Margaret Ochs, Mary Bertha Allison, and Josephine Whiteside, who are at Chevy Chase, attended the Annapolis football game yesterday and the “hop” last night.

Mrs. David Davies will entertain for a recent bride, Mrs. L.V. Luckadoo, with a bridge party.

Monday, Oct. 18

Mrs. Rose Lane Brown and Misses Virginia Quintene and Vivian Brown of Athens have come to Chattanooga to reside. They join Ellsworth Brown, brother of the Misses Brown, who has been here some time.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Richter and daughter, Ethel, have returned from a visit to Atlanta and Athens, and are residing at the Tschopik House.

Tuesday, Oct. 19

Miss Rosalind Ewing is improving from an illness at her home on McCallie Avenue.

Miss Elizabeth Sharp entertained Monday with a luncheon in honor of this season’s debutantes. Invited were Misses Betty Andrews, Margaret Anderson, Elizabeth Atlee, Margaret Read, Margaret White, Rosalind Ewing, Gladys Riggs, and Katherine Henderson.

Wednesday, Oct. 20

Mrs. Brantner of Columbus, Ohio, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Rathmell, has returned to her home.

Miss Maude Whiteside complimented Miss Frances Sholar, a future bride, with an elaborate tea at her home on McCallie Avenue. Misses Mary Anderson Everett and Lila Mansfield served punch. About 150 guests called between 3 and 5 o’clock.

Mrs. Neal Thompson and baby will leave soon for a visit in Florida.

Thursday, Oct. 21

The wedding of Miss Margaret Sullivan and Thomas Byrne was performed at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, with Father Francis T. Sullivan officiating. After a wedding trip to Chicago, they will make their home in the Elizabeth Apartments.

Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Ashland, Ky., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Gilman on Missionary Ridge.

Friday, Oct. 22

A brilliant wedding was held at the First Presbyterian Church when Miss Mary Louise Spurlock was married to Edward Finlay. Dr. J.W. Bachman officiated. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spurlock in Riverview. The young couple left for a wedding trip to New York.

Dr. P.D. Sims celebrated his 87th birthday today. Dr. Sims is physician emeritus of the Chattanooga Department of Health. He is the oldest practicing physician in the city and is still hale and hearty.