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Front Page - Friday, September 25, 2015

Sick kit

Do It Yourself

April Sherrill

A little over a month ago we enrolled two of our children into the public school system. There are many pros and cons to both public schools and homeschooling, but as a mother I think one of the biggest cons of the public school system is the sickness. 

I actually do not mind my children catching a cold or two, simply for the fact that it means their bodies are building much needed antibodies, but my kindergartener has asthma, so any colds she catches seem to exacerbate pretty quickly. 

When cooler weather starts rolling in, we all know to get ready because everything from the flu to bronchitis to the stomach bug will soon be calling. Sickness always comes when least expected, and someone is left running to the store to grab any and everything to make the situation a little bit better.

Therefore, when someone mentioned to me an idea about making a sick kit, I thought the idea was absolutely brilliant! My husband is usually the one sent to the store because the sick kiddos want their mommy, and it never fails that no matter how hard he tries, there is always a different brand I like more, or an item was forgotten. Poor man! 

I will be customizing a kit for each individual in the family so everyone has their own. Having these sick kits on hand will be great, because let’s face it – we all know getting sick in the next couple of months is inevitable no matter what prevention measures you take. It will happen.

Some ideas for children’s sick kits are:

• Advil, Motrin, Tylenol (Tylenol and Motrin can be used together)

• Cans of chicken noodle soup

• Small trash bags for vomiting

• Cans of ginger ale/sprite

• Packs of crackers

• Medicated rub

• Thermometer

• Coloring books for when they are quarantined

• Cough drops

• Cough medicine

• Hand sanitizer

• Tissues

• Vitamins

The idea is to create a kit that contains anything you could need for the individual so nobody has to run to the store at the last minute, only to forget a couple of important items along the way.

Each basket should be tailored to the individual person. This is also a great way to keep medications, creams, etc. … for each person in the family around the house for more of a daily basis. 

I thought the sick baskets were incredibly smart. These would make great gifts for friends with small kids right before school starts. They would also be fabulous for the kids who have just left the nest for college as a “care package.” 

If you have little ones, there is a good chance that at some point in the next few months, someone is going to get sick. For whatever reason it always seems to come at the busiest, most inopportune time. This time, though, be prepared and have that kit ready!

April Sherrill is a staff writer for the Hamilton County Herald. Contact her at april@dailydata.com.