Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, June 19, 2015

East Ridge receives grant for Ringgold Road streetscape improvements

East Ridge officials learned last week that the city was awarded the 2014 Multimodal Access Grant in the amount of $949,833. The city applied for the funds last fall in order to finance infrastructure improvements along Ringgold Road, including new sidewalks on both sides of Ringgold Road.

East Ridge was one of 14 communities in the state to receive a portion of the $10.2 million in Multimodal Access Funds. The city received the maximum amount awarded, which requires a 5 percent match of local funds, or $50,167, to finance the million-dollar streetscape improvement project.

The streetscape improvement project provides sidewalks along the section of Ringgold Road from Tombras Avenue westbound to East Ridge Avenue, connecting neighborhoods in that area to City Hall, schools, the City Library, City services, and local businesses. The construction of a five-foot sidewalk on the south side of Ringgold Road and a 10-foot multi-modal path on the north side will provide new access to Ringgold Road for a range of users. The project will also include new landscaping, small islands to create a boulevard-like scenic impact when driving through the city center, and signalization.

Source: City of East Ridge   

East Ridge officials learned last week that the city was awarded the 2014 Multimodal Access Grant in the amount of $949,833. The city applied for the funds last fall in order to finance infrastructure improvements along Ringgold Road, including new sidewalks on both sides of Ringgold Road.

East Ridge was one of 14 communities in the state to receive a portion of the $10.2 million in Multimodal Access Funds. The city received the maximum amount awarded, which requires a 5 percent match of local funds, or $50,167, to finance the million-dollar streetscape improvement project.

The streetscape improvement project provides sidewalks along the section of Ringgold Road from Tombras Avenue westbound to East Ridge Avenue, connecting neighborhoods in that area to City Hall, schools, the City Library, City services, and local businesses. The construction of a five-foot sidewalk on the south side of Ringgold Road and a 10-foot multi-modal path on the north side will provide new access to Ringgold Road for a range of users. The project will also include new landscaping, small islands to create a boulevard-like scenic impact when driving through the city center, and signalization.

Source: City of East Ridge   v