Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, September 12, 2014

Brainbuster – Make your brain tingle!

I love doing puzzles about words. There are so many. Millions of words. ‘am constantly running across ones I don’t know. Like “symbiosis.” Do you know what that means? Read on to find out.

1. Symbiosis means: confusion of one sensation with another; a relationship between two people or groups that work with and depend on each other; study of processes of invention; fear of symmetry.

2. If I’m studying barodynamics, I might be in the field of: weather; oceanography; building bridges; construction of skyscrapers; study of early soils.

3. I’m singing a paean song. What am I singing about? Easter; peace; a love song; a song of thanksgiving.

4. This has GOT to be a new one for you! A katzenjammer is: A Macedonian felt hat with a broad brim; a military retreat; a narcotic drink prepared from a Polynesian plant; a hangover, uproar, or clamor.

5. To whistle weakly is to: wheeple; whelve; whelky; wheal.

6. Haliography is the study of: bad breath; a description of the sea; study of sin; writing about the lives of saints.

7. How about this word from the early 16th century: gardeviance. This word means: a visor of a helmet as shown on heraldic devices; a chest for valuables, or a traveling trunk; to enclose in a cabin or other confine; a hiding place.

8. One last one ... Wapenshaw means: an archaic sub-division of certain counties; to be unstable or unsteady; a pay office in a lumber camp; a gathering to evaluate the readiness of men for combat.


Symbiosis means a relationship between two people or groups that work with and depend on each other. The study or process of invention is synetics, confusion of one sensation with another is synaesthesia, and the fear of symmetry is symmetrophobia. 2. Barodynamics is the science of the support and mechanics of bridges. 3. I love singing. I especially love singing a song of thanksgiving, which is a paean song. 4. If you’ve heard of this before, please share with me. A katzenjammer is a hangover, uproar, or clamor. (I’ll have to remember this one.) 5. I’ve never been able to whistle, not even wheeply (or wheeple). Whelve is to cover with an upside down bowl, whelky means knobby or rounded, and wheal – this is a Cornish mine. 6. Haliography is a description of the sea. The study of sin is hamartiology, writing about the lives of saints is hagiology, and you should know halitosis is bad breath. 7. My grandmothers both had one of these (although they didn’t live in the 16th century). A gardeviance is a chest, or traveling trunk. A gardevisure is the visor of a helmet as shown on heraldic visors, to incabinate is to enclose in a cabin or other confine, and a latibule is a hiding place. 8. Could you guess that one? Actually, wapenshaw means a gathering to evaluate the readiness of men for combat.