Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, August 22, 2014


What was going on in Chattanooga in 1914?

Saturday, August 22, 1914

In the City Championship tennis Tournament, Eugene Thomasson was the winner. He defeated Tom Carothers in five fierce sets. Thomasson will play Will Oehmig, who will be defending his championship title.

Sunday, Aug. 23

The stone tower memorial of Wilder’s Brigade was struck by lightning during a storm Friday, causing damage of $3,000. R.B. Randolph, Sup’t of Parks, said the tower might have to be rebuilt.

Miss Dorothy Aull has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Her mother, Mrs. Allie Aull, will leave Athens soon for a visit in Atlanta.

Misses Nora and Katherine Crimmins will leave tomorrow for Washington, D.C.

Miss Emily Brown and Miss Robbie Orr have returned from Columbia University in New York.

Monday, Aug. 24

Miss Anna Lee and Velma Haggard entertained with a surprise party for their mother, Mrs. W.T. Haggard, on her birthday Thursday.

Misses Kate Thomas and Bertie Wenning are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bryan on Walden’s Ridge.

Tuesday, Aug. 25

Mrs. William B. Schwartz will return tonight from Atlantic City. She will be accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus of Pittsburg.

Lapsley Hope of Eureka, Nev., will come soon to join Mrs. Hope in a visit to her mother’s, Mrs. Grant.

Mrs. J. Sterling Thorpe and Miss Lula Brown are visiting in El Paso, Texas.

Wednesday, Aug. 26

Mrs. John Dobbs and baby will come from New Orleans, La., to spend the winter with her parents, Capt. And Mrs. J.F. Shipp.

Capt. and Mrs. W.T. Tyler and Miss Ethel Tyler leave tomorrow for Atlantic Beach, Fla., for a 10-day stay.

Thursday, Aug. 27

Mrs. J.N. Schlesinger will go to Amarillo, Texas to visit her daughter, Mrs. William Rule, and Mr. Rule.

Mrs. Charles Hall, sons Charlie and Peyton Hall, and brother Will Campbell have returned from a stay at Rhea Springs.

Mrs. John Gilbreath is home from a visit to her parents in Dayton, Tenn.

Mrs. Jessal Holtzclaw leaves today for Atlantic City to join Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Voight.

Friday, Aug. 28

Miss Patty Martin entertained with an informal luncheon at her home on Lookout Mountain.

Miss Dorothy Tarwater of Rockwood will arrive today to be the guest of friends and relatives.

Today, between 150 and 200 lawyers, with their wives and friends, will leave the wharf on the steamer City of Chattanooga on their annual picnic. Sam J. McAllester is chairman for the menu. An old-fashioned square dance will be arranged by Judges McConnell, Shepherd, Capt. Chambers, and Oscar Yarnell. v