Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, July 25, 2014

Fire recruits complete live fire training

- (Photo by Bruce Garner)

After three days of live fire training at a donated house on Fagan Street, the 25 recruits in Chattanooga’s Fire Academy 2014 watched just how fast a house can burn to the ground if they don’t use the fire suppression tactics they’ve been taught in recent months.

Instructors started the fire at 10 a.m.; most of the single-story, wood-frame structure had burned to the ground within 20 minutes. To help it along, it was loaded with pallets, straw, and shredded paper.

As is the fire department’s tradition, the recruits gathered in front of the house to pose for their class photo. It had to be done quickly because the heat from the fire was very intense.

With fire suppression training completed, the recruits will now move on to instruction in hazardous materials and vehicle extrication. If they make it through that, they will graduate on Thursday, Sept. 4.

For more photos, pick up a copy of The Hamilton County Herald.