Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, November 29, 2013

Brainbuster - Make your brain tingle!

Men Wanted

The undersigned wishes to hire ten or a dozen men, familiar with the management of horses, as hostlers, or riders on the Overland Express Route via Salt Lake City. Wages $50 per month and found.” - Ad in the Sacramento Union, March 19, 1860.

Our mail system has come a long way. We have gone from horses and saddlebags to planes and trucks. See how well you can score on our mailing system in days of yore!

1. What states did the Pony Express riders travel between? Colorado to Missouri; California to Mexico; Missouri to Mexico; Missouri to California.

2. The announcement for the last Pony Express ride was published in the October 26th issue of The San Francisco Bulletin. What was the year? 1850; 1858; 1861; 1865.

3. What was the name of the steamer that carried the first Pony Express mail from San Francisco to Sacramento along the Sacramento River? The Antelope; The New World; The Alto Californian; The Steamer Denver.

4. Who was the person who launched the Pony Express: William M. Gwin; Benjamin F. Ficklin; Alexander Majors; William H. Russell.

5. The Pony Express was originally called: The Overland Mail Company; The Pikes Peak Express Company; The Leavenworth and Pike’s Peak Express Company; none of the above.

6. How many miles long was the trail that Pony Express riders traveled alone by horse? 750; 1500; 1840; 1900.

7. What was the name of the leather bag in which the riders carried the mail? The Way Pocket; Saddle Bag; The Express Satchel; Mochilla.

8. What was the name of the first Pone Express rider to mount up and ride out of St. Joseph, Missouri? Johnny Frye; William Hamilton; Joseph Elrod; Hank Monk.

9. In the first weeks of the service, other than a sheath knife, a horn, a cavalry rifle, and colt revolvers, what else did the riders carry with them? Soap; change of clothes; a Bible; an extra horse.

10. How many miles did a rider travel before giving way to the next rider? 75 to 100; 100 to 125; 125-150; 150-175.


1. Missouri to California. 2. 1861. 3. The New World. 4. William H. Russell. 5. None of the above. 6. 1,840 miles. However, there were about 140-160 more miles where the mail traveled by steamer. 7. Mochilla. 8. Johnny Frye. 9. A Bible. 10. 75-100 miles.