Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, August 30, 2013

Veterans Memorial Bridge home to new Katz sculpture

The new splash of color and steel at the south end of Veterans Memorial Bridge is the latest Ray Katz sculpture to find a home in the Scenic City. The Michigan-based artist installed the piece, titled “Sentinel,” on Tuesday, August 27 on the plot of grass where the bridge splits toward Georgia Avenue and Riverside Drive. The City of Chattanooga has leased the 16-feet tall sculpture for two years. Katz, who has sculptures displayed elsewhere throughout the city, said, “Chattanooga has been good to me. The public art program here is phenomenal. If I were able, I’d move here.” View more of Katz’s work at raykatzsculptor.com. Pictured: Katz, moments after installing “Sentinel.” (David Laprad)