Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, August 16, 2013

< 6 Degrees

Connect and Cultivate

Recipe for Networking Success

People are drawn to people they know and can trust; that takes time. A genuine concern for others is a key ingredient to any winning recipe. We’ve all been guilty of looking for the quick sale, the “low hanging fruit” if you will. Reality check! Those opportunities are few and far between. The recipe starts with collecting your ingredients (knowledge/resources/connections), mixing them together and always looking for ways to improve your end result (Product/Service). Sometimes, that involves letting them mature and then following up later. 

We are more connected today than at any other time in our history. The high tech world is exciting and offers endless opportunities to interact virtually and in real time via the web, a smart phone, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and much more. As a social media user (okay, addict!), it’s become painfully obvious that when given the opportunity to meet face to face, I find some people to be more interesting online. Is that wrong? It appears our ability to start, manage or continue a conversation in person is lost in translation. What happened to our “soft skills?” Why would we prefer to text, tweet, Instagram or Facebook one another with rapid fire short messages or acronyms (LOL TMI TTYL), and with no regard for the recipient’s time? Craving immediate feedback and acceptance, please “LIKE” me!

Sourcing your ingredients

Paradigm shift! Realize that social media, as it relates to business, is purely a means to an end. Don’t take liberties with online relationships that you wouldn’t take in person. Your goal should be to position yourself as a subject matter expert and resource (planting seeds) so that when you do reach out to your connections, they have a sense of who you are based on your online presence (watering seeds). Too many “gardeners” will pillage their crops (connections) before they’re ripe, while the savvy “farmer” knows you grow more over time, and waits for the right time to harvest.

Bottom line: Technology will never replace the need for human contact and interaction. Invest in people, and you’ll always be rich.

Enjoy the process and “fruits” of your labor.

Craig Miller is the Founder & Director of B2B Networking Chattanooga. For more information go to: www.b2bnetworkingchattanooga.com or contact him at info@b2bnetworkingchattanooga.com