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Front Page - Friday, January 25, 2013

Health Corner

Winter increases LDL cholesterol, SAD, and – yikes! – heart attacks!

The holidays might be gone, but winter is just getting its mojo going. Break out the oatmeal and earmuffs! Temperatures that don’t move the thermometer and the biggest cold and flu months lie ahead.

Relax. If you winterize your body the YOU Docs way (www.realage.com), you’ll protect yourself and your family against cold weather’s often-underrated health hazards: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), hypothermia, too much snow shoveling, spikes in LDL cholesterol, and more.

Arm yourself with these winter-threat fixes:

Seasonal spikes in LDL cholesterol

Blame it on the thermometer, comfort food cravings, or the chocolate truffles Aunt Bessie sent. Whatever the cause, lousy LDL cholesterol increases during winter. The July versus January difference is four to five points – enough to boost heart-threatening gunk in artery walls.

Clean it out by reaching regularly for fiber-packed seasonal goodies, such as a bowlful of oatmeal every morning (its soluble fiber does serious housekeeping in your arteries), juicy Clementine oranges for afternoon snacks, and winter squash for dinner (sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg). Also, try changing what you have on your whole-wheat toast.

Getting cold to the bone

No one would go coatless when the mercury’s sub-zero, but we’re amazed by how often people under dress when the thermometer is in the 30s. You can lose so much body heat that you wind up in our ERs, shivering uncontrollably, unable to warm up. It’s called hypothermia, and it can be scary – and even fatal. 

Here’s what to do right away for hypothermia: If you’re headed out to watch the kids ice skate or cheer on a snowshoe marathon, wear extra layers. Adding or subtracting layers lets you regulate your body temperature so you don’t get deep-chilled or overheated and sweaty (also a risk in cold weather). If you absolutely have to go out in a snowstorm, take a warm blanket and some bags of nuts or energy bars in case your car gets stuck. Also, watch for signs of frostbite. It can happen fast.

Snow shoveling

Data shows the classic “snow shoveler’s heart attack” is all too real. In winter, the risk of strokes and heart attacks climbs by as much as 12 percent, in part because blood pressure sneaks up when the thermometer plummets. Aggravate that by going from lazing by the fire to trying to clear the driveway faster than your neighbor’s snow blower, and it’s easy to put your ticker on overload.

Ease into heavy-duty outdoor work. Take plenty of breaks. Scoop up smaller, lighter loads with your shovel. And keep up your 30-minute walks so you’re no stranger to activity. (Do ‘em indoors if you have to). Find out the safest time of day to shovel snow.

Nonstop colds and flu

Cold temperatures and low humidity are the influenza virus’s favorite weather conditions. A flu shot (it’s still not too late), frequent hand-washing, and pulling out the sanitizer when you can’t get to a sink are your first-line defenses, as is taking 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily, which cuts your flu risk in half. Test your knowledge of what else really keeps colds and flu bugs away.

Also, get eight solid hours of sleep nightly to head off colds and winter weight gain. Staying up playing “Angry Birds” till all hours (and likely noshing while you’re at it) leaves you five times more likely to wind up sneezing, as well as shopping for elastic-waist jeans.

Winter doldrums (a.k.a. SAD)

Short days, long nights, and watery sunlight can leave you feeling less than merry and bright. Give your mood a “vaccine” with brisk lunchtime walks, when the winter sun is at its strongest. A half-hour a day can be all it takes to prevent or relieve depression. Make a regular walking date with a pal. It gives both of you a reason to get out there and someone to laugh with.

If you think you’ve got even borderline depression due to winter’s gloomy levels of sunlight levels), invest in a blue frequencies bright lamp designed to lift SAD. Spring will be here eventually.

Source: www.realage.com.