Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, January 4, 2013

Crye-Leike Realtors collect 75 coats for neighbors in need

Realtors from Crye-Leike offices throughout the Greater Chattanooga area in December organized a company coat drive to help their neighbors in need.

Crye-Leike collected 75 coats to donate to the Chattanooga News Channel 9 “Coats For Kids” campaign  with adult and children’s coats being distributed to local soup kitchens, churches, schools and other places.

“We were excited about the new and gently used coats we were able to donate to the folks in the community who need them the most,” said Crye-Leike Realtor Mary Carlson. “As Realtors working in the local community, it’s always nice to give something back to the people we serve. We’re proud that our efforts and coat donations will help many of our neighbors in need stay warm this winter.”

Carlson organizrf the coat drive and delivered the coats. She’s based out of Crye-Leike’s East Brainerd branch office and helps plan and organize several fundraisers each year for the company’s Chattanooga agents.

Source: Crye-Leike