Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, December 21, 2012

Lois Killebrew first George Kangles award recipient

The evening of Thursday, December 13 was a night for Realtor Lois Killebrew to remember. Not only did the owner of Mountain City Realtors on Signal Mountain receive Realtor Emeritus Status from the National Association of Realtors in recognition of her 40 years as a Realtor, the Greater Chattanooga Association of Realtors named her as the first recipient of its George Kangles Community Citizenship Award.

Killebrew’s response was characteristically humble: “Wow! What an honor to be the first recipient of this outstanding award.”

The association announced its selection of Killebrew during its annual installation of newly elected officers and directors at its office in Amnicola Highway. Realtor Randy Durham presented the award. Here are the remarks he made when making the announcement:

“Last year, when our board of directors created this award to remember the work and the efforts of George Kangles, and the time and dedication he gave to our community, our nation, and our association, I recall reading over the criteria someone would have to meet in order to qualify.

“I thought to myself, ‘That’s a very high mountain to climb!’

“We did not make a presentation last year because the award was still new and the loss of our friend, George, was still fresh in our minds. It seemed it was right for us to first really think about what kind of person fit the ideals embodied within all of the words we had discussed. We fervently believed it could never be for merely a “job well done” or as recognition of lengthy service. If this plaque was to truly mean something – and to honor George – then it would have to go to someone whose service has been so distinctive, so extraordinary, and so exemplary that our members’ response upon hearing the name would be, “Of course!”

“Let me quickly review what we decided last year about the criteria – and I’ll quote directly from the resolution our board of directors passed:

“The award will be presented to the recipient on the basis of proven community citizenship with respect to: active involvement in governmental and political affairs; knowledge and political activism concerning public issues that impact GCAR members and the real estate industry; active participation, support and investment in the Realtors Political Action Committee; a working role within governmental affairs committee leadership, including participation in member visits to the state capital and local lobbying efforts with elected officials; and (the recipient having) a positive and discernible impact on the governmental affairs activities of the association.

“As I announce the name of the first recipient of that award, you’ll see it’s a slam-dunk on each count.

“Our honoree’s credentials read like a “Who’s Who” among the elite in the real estate industry in the United States of America. Let me give you a brief rundown: President of the Chattanooga Association of Realtors and member of the board of directors; president of the Tennessee Association of Realtors and member of the state board of directors; member of the board of directors of the National Association of Realtors; long-time member of our association’s governmental affairs committee; and federal political coordinator for Congressman Zach Wamp and Congressman Chuck Fleischmann ….

“But you’ll really get an idea of our honoree’s dedication when we talk about RPAC. Our recipient is someone who has made the contribution of time and resources a way of life with a level of dedication others might talk about, but few ever match. Here’s a sample: Yearly recipient of the RPAC Golden R; member of the NAR’s RPAC Hall of Fame; member of the NAR’s President’s Circle; chair of our association’s RPAC trustees; and chair of the TAR state RPAC trustees.

“If you believe you are dedicated to a life of service to your profession, to your industry, to your association, and to your peers – one that fully embodies the interest and activism in governmental affairs in the same manner George Kangles did – then you have an idea of what you’ll need to shoot for. Our honoree’s resume is one that should provide inspiration for every member, new and old, to become an activist, an advocate, and a tireless worker for everything that makes our industry and its members successful – everything George Kangles was, and everything tonight’s recipient is.

“With great pride and pleasure, I present the first George Kangles Community Citizenship Award to Lois Killebrew.”