Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, October 5, 2012

Habitat for Humanity celebrates World Habitat Day

What better way to celebrate World Habitat Day than building a home for someone who needs one?

In recognition of World Habitat Day 2012, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Chattanooga Area spent Saturday, September 29 working on a home located at 3410 3rd Avenue in East Chattanooga.

“World Habitat Day brings attention to the need of better shelter around the world and in our own backyards. Affordable and adequate shelter should be priority in our communities. Unfortunately, we see too often families living in substandard conditions ” said Dawn Hjelseth, director of volunteers.

Habitat for Humanity’s theme for World Habitat Day 2012, “Many Homes, One Community,” highlights the vital role that decent, affordable housing plays in community stabilization and development. The focus is on the importance of homeownership in a neighborhood’s progress.

Throughout October and November, Habitat for Humanity and affiliated organizations will host hundreds of local events – from builds, flash mobs and parades to contests, housing forums and more – to draw attention to the need for safe, decent, affordable shelter for all. Habitat for Humanity International will also launch its annual Shelter Report, which will focus on the role of the home in a neighborhood’s progression. 

The two-month observance of the need for safe, decent and affordable shelter and the pivotal role of housing in community development will culminate with Habitat’s flagship annual event, the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project. The 29th annual Carter Work Project returns to Haiti as part of its two-year effort to strengthen and support Habitat’s work there.

The United Nations established World Habitat Day, the first Monday of each October, in 1985 to spotlight the need for adequate shelter worldwide.

Source: Habitat for Humanity