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Front Page - Friday, September 14, 2012


Show 'em what you know

A Live Trivia participant delivers an answer to the Trivia Jockey. - Photos by David Laprad

As a movie buff, I like to feed my wife trivia about the films we watch. “Steven Spielberg was going to direct ‘Return of the Jedi,’ but he would have been kicked out of the Director’s Guild because George Lucas refuses to run his credits at the beginning of his films,” I once offered as a logical segue from watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark” to viewing “Star Wars.” She calls these tidbits “useless facts,” making sure to emphasize the word “useless” over “facts.”

She’ll eat her words when I win big on “Jeopardy.”

Maybe you’re like me, only instead of movies, you’re an expert on literature, history or stomach mucous. (Did you know the stomach must produce a new layer of mucous every two weeks or it’ll digest itself?) And perhaps, like me, you have no regular outlet for all of the data bouncing around in your head. Allow me to share something with you that could tide you over until Alex Trebek calls.

Throughout the Greater Chattanooga area, a company called Challenge Entertainment Live Trivia is hosting, as its name would suggest, live trivia events. These free gatherings take place nearly every night of the week at different restaurants and bars. Best of all, taking part is as simple as showing up with at least one friend and joining the fun.

My wife and I recently went to the Live Trivia event at The Acoustic Café in Ringgold, Ga., which is close to home. The café hosts live events every Tuesday night at 7:30, attracting about 30 regulars. We walked in, met the guy that would be asking the questions, grabbed a score sheet, an answer pad and a pencil, and sat down at a table. Around us, the other teams loaded up on food and drinks.

The format of the event is straightforward. There are two halves with three rounds each, and each round consists of three questions. The Trivia Jockey, as the host is called, provides the categories for the next three questions at the start of each round. He or she then asks the first question and gives the teams time to confer and wager one of three pre-determined amounts of points. At this stage, points are not deducted for wrong answers, allowing everyone to at least guess.

The questions vary in difficulty, with the second half being tougher than the first. When Brett asked the first question of the evening – “What actress was known as Hanoi Jane during the Vietnam War?” – I snorted and thought, “This is going to be a breeze.” Then I stumbled on the second question – “What was the title of the second Mary Poppins book by author P.L. Travers?”

“I didn’t even know there’s more than one book,” my wife said.

After writing the answer on a slip of paper, a representative of the team delivers the slip to the jockey.

The jockey in Ringgold, Brett Sinyard, would play a song while teams chewed on their answers – and baskets of chicken wings. This created a relaxed, informal vibe that was perfect for a mid-week break. There are rules to observe, such as no Googling the answers, but that was hardly a concern; the competition was friendly and laidback, even though gift certificates were on the line for the top three teams.

At the end of each half, teams tackle a bonus question. The final question of the event is worth 20 points, and providing a wrong answer does result in a deduction of that amount. All told, the contest takes about two hours.

While my wife and I had a good time as a twosome, we’re looking forward to corralling a group of friends and challenging the regulars at either Hill City Pizza or Amigo Mexican Restaurant. Since you can eat and chat, Live Trivia events are perfect for small groups and provide a good way to get to know people since everyone likely will emerge as an expert in at least one category.

Unfortunately, Brett didn’t ask for the title of the “Star Wars” movie Spielberg was going to direct.

To learn where and when Live Trivia events are held in Chattanooga, visit chattanooga.cetrivia.com. They’re a great way to pass the time until Trebek calls.

Email David Laprad at dlaprad@hamiltoncountyherald.com.