Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, June 29, 2012

Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise celebrates local communities

In an effort to recognize and encourage Chattanooga’s communities, Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise celebrated NeighborGood Week earlier this month. Each day of the week-long celebration was aimed at eliciting neighborhood participation in showcasing the city’s culturally-diverse populations.

The highlight of the week was CNE’s inaugural NeighborGood Mixer. This event, held at the home of Allan Davis in the historic Loveman’s Building, was a fundraiser to support CNE’s investments in Chattanooga neighborhoods. All proceeds were contributed to the revolving loan fund.

CNE will host a similar mixer on a quarterly basis in varying homes around the community. The next mixer will take place on the Southside in September.

“Every day, we strive to celebrate the many positive aspects of homeownership and the value it adds to communities and the city at large,” said Nick Wilkinson, CNE director of development. “Events like the NeighborGood Mixer are vital to helping CNE fulfill its mission of building and sustaining livable neighborhoods. We look forward to sharing our story and continuing our fundraising efforts with many more mixers come.”

Other activities during NeighborGood Week included a Glenwood Neighborhood Park picnic, crafts at Chattanooga Market, a client appreciation luau and a Glass Street clean-up day.

Source: Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise