Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, June 29, 2012

50 years ago...

What was going on in Chattanooga in 1962?

Saturday, June 30

Scott L. Probasco, board chairman of the American National Bank & Trust Co., who died last Monday, left seven bequests to religious, charitable and educational institutions.

Beneficiaries included First Presbyterian Church, Baylor School, Salvation Army, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bethel Bible School, East Fifth Street Day Care Center and Colored Women’s Home Association of Chattanooga, Inc. The bulk of his estate was willed to his family.

The Hamilton County Council voted a record annual budget of $17,437,392 Friday without a property-tax increase. The overall tax rate remained at $2.71 per hundred of assessed valuation outside Chattanooga and $2.40 inside the city.

Sunday, July 1

Chattanooga’s Lew Oehmig made Tennessee golfing history here Saturday when he became the fist player ever to win the State Amateur Golf Tournament six times, defeating Bob Greenwood of Cookeville on the 19th hole in the 1962 finals.

Monday, July 2

Attorney Dixie T. Smith Monday was elected to the Hamilton County Board of Education by the Quarterly County Court to fill the vacancy on the board left by the resignation of Attorney Charles W. Lusk.

Tuesday, July 3

Mrs. Gordon Street, Jr. (Judy Eller), will be a member of the eight-member U.S. Women’s Curtis Cup team to meet Britain’s best amateur golfers Aug. 17-18 at Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo., it was announced Tuesday.

Mrs. Roberta Bryan Price, widow of J. Scott Price, died Tuesday morning as a result of a hip injury received in a fall June 16. Mrs. Price was a member of the First Baptist Church and of pioneer families of Walker County, Ga. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. John D. Flanagan and Mrs. Annie Lee Harwood, and two brothers, J. Avery Bryan and C.C. Bryan.

Howard Sompayrac on Saturday was installed as president of Chattanooga Junior Chamber of Commerce at the annual dinner-dance at Lakeshore Lodge. Mrs. Tom Thielke was installed as president of the Jaycettes.

Wednesday, July 4

First Lady, Mrs. John F. Kennedy, will serve as National Honorary Chairman of the 1962 Christmas Seal Campaign, it was announced by Newel W. Thompson, president of the Tennessee Tuberculosis and Health Association. Mrs. Kennedy will officially open the 1962 National Christmas Seal Campaign in a ceremony at the White House early in November of this year.

Thursday, July 5

Dr. Edward J. Johnson, president of the Chattanooga and Hamilton County Medical Association, appointed the same two men who put together the program in 1953 for the first Tennessee Valley Medical Assembly, founder Dr. William G. Stephenson and Dr. Guy M. Francis, as chairman and co-chairman for the 10th anniversary meeting of the assembly Sept. 24-25.

Hugh D. Huffaker Sr., was installed Thursday as president for the 1962-63 fiscal year of the Chattanooga Rotary Club to succeed Sam R. Parry.

Friday, July 6

Sidney Marks, long a leader in Chattanooga Round Table, National Conference of Christians and Jews, was named a charter member of the National Honor Corps Thursday at the July meeting of the Round Table in the Provident Building. Marks is the first Chattanoogan to receive the award.

A Mercury Spacecraft, a duplicate of those that have carried American astronauts on sub-orbital and orbital flights, will be displayed from 8-10 a.m. Sunday at Warner Park in the interest of the U.S. Savings Bond program.