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Front Page - Friday, May 11, 2012

View from the Cheap Seats

The right choice

There are relatively few times in your life that you make a choice that truly changes the course of your existence. Sometimes, the choices you make seem to be hoisted upon you like those made in an emergency situation where little or no time is allotted to make a decision. The choice you make in these situations is quick and sometimes all you can do is hope for the best.

Other times, life altering decisions are made after considerable thought and consideration even when the obvious answer is plainly before you. Sometimes, the answer is obvious but seems just out of touch. Reaching for the answers that you choose can be much more difficult than simply plucking the low hanging fruit provided by life’s many alternatives.

 When I first met my wife twenty five years ago, I realized almost immediately that she was the right choice for me. I also realized that she was a step or two above my rank and choosing her was not a guarantee that the decision was mine to make. I knew early on that I would have to step up my game.

Over the last nine months, I have had the opportunity to talk to people all over Perry and Pulaski Counties and tell them about the choice I made twenty two years ago when I was lucky enough to marry her. I have also been able to talk to them about how that choice netted me a fantastic life. A life much better than I deserve. A life with three great kids, a thriving law practice, and a wife that knows me better than I know myself. There is no way I could have envisioned where my choice would lead me. The strength of a good woman is truly the wind beneath the wings of every successful man.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I realize that I am not alone. There are many of us out there that owe all we are to our mothers and our wives. The mothers we did not get to choose, the wives are another story. When a man chooses a wife, he chooses the mother for his children. What bigger decision is that? If I am correct and the choice of a wife is the biggest decision in a man’s life, then I give myself an “A.”

I have told many people over the last few months that the only mistake my wife ever made was marrying me. I follow up by telling them that that is only because she chose me as a project and every great woman loves a good project. I think most of them think I am only half joking, but it is truly her greatness that has made my life what it is.

Life gives us lots of opportunities to make choices. Some are important, others not so much. I am just glad that, when I had the chance to choose Patti, I made the right choice. Even more important was that she was available and willing to be chosen. Once in a while the right person comes along the trick is to make the choice when you get the chance. Happy Mother’s Day from the CHEAP SEATS!

Bill James is a criminal defense attorney and co founder of the James Law Firm with offices in Little Rock, Conway, and Fayetteville, Ark. He can be contacted at Bill@James4Judge.com