Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, March 9, 2012

Ominous billboard warns men of unspecified health issues

The billboard on Dayton Boulevard in Red Bank, Tenn., contains an ominous message: “This year, thousands of men will die from stubbornness.” The billboard was clearly designed to send men to the Internet to search for the reason for the alarming message, as the Web address at the bottom, AHRQ.gov, is hard to see when driving past the billboard. Even a visit to the site might leave most visitors scratching their heads, as the national billboard campaign is not featured on the main page. A little digging brings up www.ahrq.gov/healthymen/, a page that cites data about the surprising ways in which men are neglecting their health and the dire consequences. More than anything else, the campaign appears to be aimed at encouraging men to see their doctor, and then continue to see their doctor on a regular basis. The sign does get one’s attention, and its message, however inaccessible, is a good one. (Photo by David Laprad)