Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, January 20, 2012

Kay's Cooking Corner

Herb D Provence Pork Loin and Holiday Potatoes – yum!

Hubby and I attend a Bible study on Sunday evenings at a friend’s house. There are about seven of us that meet together to discuss a book we are reading. It is supposed to be just a six-week study, but we are stretching it out to about a two-year study. Not on purpose, but because we eat, talk and visit a lot more than we probably should.

Another reason that is making this study longer is that we all decided that if someone is going to be absent, that it would be called off that week. It is a good study and a great group!

Like I said earlier, we eat dinner together before starting the study. Last Sunday’s meal was fantastic. We had pork loin, potato casserole (which both are my recipes today), bread, a pineapple salad and some “pop ‘em in your mouth” cinnamon rolls. They were so tiny that we could pop one in our mouths in one bite. That was kinda bad because I ate way too many!

I have eaten this potato casserole on several different occasions, but the way this one is prepared was great, and it was the second of two casseroles that Jacque had made before Christmas and frozen, so it really does freeze well. If you don’t need it all, just pop some of it in a disposable foil casserole dish and save it for another meal. Also, if you are planning a Super Bowl party, it is a great side dish for almost any main course.

Super Bowl this year is on February 5. If you are a big Super Bowl party fan, there is not much time left to get prepared! The pork loin recipe I have below is great for a crowd because it can be cut into bite-size pieces to make it go further. I have done that before; however, you can always cook a larger loin if you need more. This recipe creates a nice, tender and juicy roast and the seasoning is great.

Now on to more news, January is National Oatmeal Month. Oatmeal is my favorite breakfast food. I love steel cut oats cooked with butter, pecans, cream and brown sugar. A toasted bagel or English muffin on the side tops it off beautifully!

If you have never tried steel cut oats, I recommend them. Steel-cut oats are made with the whole oat kernel, which is then cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. They are a better source of fiber than rolled oats, but take longer to cook. Rolled oats have the bran mostly removed and are rolled flat to make them easier to cook, but with the bran removed, they have less fiber.

When comparing them, steel cut oats are less processed and have a higher nutritional value, a nuttier taste, and a chewier texture. That is why I like them so much more. If you want to fix them but don’t have that much time in the morning, try using your crock-pot. Just place a cup of steel cut oats in the pot along with 4 cups of water, 1/2 cup of milk, and some cinnamon. Cook on low heat for about 8 hours. Stir and serve. A delicious hot breakfast waiting on you when you get up! On these cold mornings, nothing could be more comforting!

Herbs D Provence Pork Loin

2 lb. Pork Loin

Herb D Provence

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rub a generous amount of Herbs D Provence on pork loin.

Place in oven, uncovered, and bake for about one hour and 30 minutes, or until roast is 160 degrees when meat thermometer inserted into the middle. Let rest 10 minutes before slicing.

Holiday Potatoes

2 lb bag frozen hash-brown potatoes, thawed

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 1/2 sticks margarine

16 oz sour cream

2 cups grated cheddar cheese

Corn Flakes

2 tbsp minced onion

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

In large bowl combine sour cream, soup, stick of margarine, cheese, minced onion, salt, pepper, and hash-browns. Mix well. Pour into 13x9 casserole dish. Top with crushed Corn Flakes and 1/2 stick melted margarine. Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Freezes well so can be made ahead of time.