Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, October 28, 2011

A Day in the Life

It’s funny how often the phrase – “opposites attract” rings true in my marriage. After almost four and half years of marital bliss, I continue to learn how opposite we really are. But honestly, it is our differences that keep us together and unite us as husband and wife.

Parish is the thinker; he takes his time when making a decision, purchase or order at a restaurant. I’m a little more impulsive and usually suffer from “buyer’s remorse” for days. We make quite a pair when we go shopping for large electrical items such as computers, iPods and the PlayStation 3 that has steadily climbed to the top of Parish’s must-have list.

Before buying our iMac, we visited Best Buy about four times and the Apple Store about three times (since they opened last month). Looking at the awesome computers and leaving empty-handed got old. Parish finally decided to take the leap and after the umpteenth visit, told the Apple Store employee, “I want this one.”

I’m glad he is a cautious shopper. We would have an apartment full of stuff if we both purchased everything we wanted all the time. During our latest weekend visit to Best Buy, Parish almost left with a PS3. Almost. At one point, he actually had the box in his hand and I thought he was going to do it, but he put it down and started looking at games for the console. Most of the games were over $50, and the controllers were around $40 each.

Clearly, buying this high tech gadget would be more than the $250 sticker price. At the end of our visit, we left with a $12 CD for my dad and money in our pocket. The polarity continues and intensifies when it comes to driving. More specifically, when I’m driving my car and Parish is the passenger. Oh my – it’s not pretty. I’m sure most couples can relate to the idea that you think you are the better driver. There; I said it, and most of the time, I believe I’m better behind the wheel. Unless we are talking about Parish’s huge F250, which I don’t drive because I don’t feel comfortable operating since it’s practically Parish’s office on wheels.

I prefer Miss Pearl and being closer to the ground. Whenever I’m driving, Parish constantly looks over his shoulder when I’m changing lanes, sighs heavily and says “Whoa!” when a car is about 50 feet away from us at the intersection. Parking also seems to be a highly contested issue. I like parking far enough away from the grocery store/shopping mall to avoid door dings and get a little exercise. Parish will drive around the lot numerous times before finally pulling into a space. It drives my crazy! (No pun intended, I promise).

For all his quirky ways, I love him madly. Some of our opposite tendencies work out for both of us. For instance, he likes to dust and keep things tidy. I’m not a huge fan of dusting and sometimes I can leave things disheveled for a while. I like doing the laundry and loading/emptying the dishwasher. My partner in crime will do those chores, but it’s not his forte. No problem. Parish is very competitive, which quickly rubs off on me and makes me push myself when we are working out, hiking a trail or playing Scrabble. Opposites definitely attract, but they can also encourage, strengthen and support.