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Front Page - Friday, September 23, 2011

View from the Cheap Seats

Slip your mind?

I went to lunch with my family this Sunday to one of our favorite restaurants. As we entered the door, I noticed a display advertising their catering services. I believe it was no more than a year ago that there was a patriotic display in this same area promoting some program to help the troops. I don’t recall what it was exactly, but it was there.

I guess I have noticed the change in the past, but failed to give it any thought. Today, the change struck a chord with me. As is my habit, I watched a couple of hours of Sunday news shows and read the paper. I cannot recall the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan being mentioned in any way other than referring to the costs. The costs were expressed in terms of dollars and not lives. I have not watched the last two Republican debates, but I have seen highlights. I do not recall anything about the war in those highlights.

Have we lost interest in our citizens fighting in the military or have we just grown accustomed to the fact that we are spending billions of dollars and have lost thousands of lives fighting wars without clear agenda? Have the wars become like a small pebble in our shoe that was annoying for a while but over time we just accepted? I looked through our state-wide paper and if there was anything in the Sunday edition about the wars. I found nothing. Apathy is a dangerous emotion when the lives of our military volunteers are at stake. When was the last time you saw something on tv about people being shipped out or returning? I don't remember the last time I saw it. I have to admit, until my arrival at the restaurant on Sunday, I had not given it much thought myself.

A year out from the election and it seems like what is going on at home and with the economy, is going to decide who will fill the White House for the next four years. I foresee the issue of the two wars being secondary at best. I do not believe there is a lack of concern and caring for our folks in the military, I just think that the old adage “out of sight, out of mind” seems to fit the situation.

Veterans Day is little over a month away and that will certainly bring the topic into focus for a period of time. There are lots of things in life that we don’t want to think about and are easier ignored. The thing is, if we are not vigilant about solving the issues needed to be resolved in order to bring our men and women home, it will simply take this much longer. How many lives are we willing to give up so we don’t have to think about it? I say one is too many.

The finger I am pointing is at myself. I don’t need a restaurant to remind me people are fighting and dying while representing me overseas.  I just need to remember what is important. Remembering what is important is easier said then done, that is especially true for those of us way up in the CHEAP SEATS!