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Front Page - Friday, August 26, 2011

Kay's Cooking Corner

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Bananas

While skimming through emails this morning and trying to find something to inspire me for writing this article, I came across one that sounded interesting, titled “Best Snack for Staying Slim.” Sounded like an all right article, and looking further into it, it sounded good - you know, eat more fiber and fewer sugars. I’m sure this strategy works, but my problem comes a bit before that – called “Getting Slim.”

For that reason, that article was deleted. I called my sister yesterday while I was out walking my 3.5 miles I am trying to walk every morning now that it isn’t 100 degrees outside at 6 a.m. She was quite impressed at the fact that I was doing that every day, and even said that she and her husband were on a pretty strict diet, also trying to shed a few pounds. It seems like that is the norm for just about everyone I talk to these days.

I talked with her a bit, until I started going up a hill (which is about half way into my walk) and then I got so out of breath I was unable to say anything at all, so I panted out a goodbye and got off the phone. I continued struggling up the hill, which I do every morning, hoping someday it will get easier, and then breezed into the remainder of my walk.

Once I got home, my wonderful husband was up, and wanting to know if I would like to go get coffee (most definitely!) and donuts. Well, I thought for a split second, maybe even a nanosecond, found it hard to turn either one of them down, so off we went!

I texted my sister in the meantime and asked her if donuts were good for helping to shed some pounds. She came back with exactly what I expected her to say, which was a great big NO… oh well, that was just one morning in seven, so that means I have six more to work with before the next run to the donut shop!

Ok, I might not be slimming down so fast like this, but at least I am helping my heart – in two ways. I am spending some “little-to-be-had” time with my husband and, of course, getting in some aerobic exercise. So not all is lost. (Especially the pounds!) I do better going to Memphis and running with my daughter and after my grand daughters for the day! So, on with the quest for a good article. The next one that caught my eye was about vitamin D – the Sunshine Vitamin. This sounded good. I have been taking vitamin D and calcium supplements for years. Years!

Calcium, as most women know, helps to stave off osteoporosis, along with many other things such as helping your nails and hair. However, what I have found is many women don’t know that if you are not taking it with a vitamin D supplement, or getting plenty of vitamin D in your diet, that more than likely the calcium you are taking is not being absorbed into your body like it should. You can up your levels through both your diet and supplements, soaking up a little sunshine is the best way to get vitamin D. But we’re also told to limit our time in the sun because of the damage it can do to our skin, so you have to be careful there.

Foods rich in vitamin D include:

• Fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and oysters

• Vitamin D-enriched cereal

• Some eggs (but the hens must have been given vitamin D)

• Vitamin D-fortified or-ange juice

• Margarine and butter

• Vitamin D-fortified milk and dairy foods

To get enough vitamin D from the sun, you need to spend about 5 to 15 minutes in the sun, just three times each week, without sunscreen, but it is always best to use sunscreen on your face. Well, this brings me to the end of my word limit, so I’ve got to print the recipe. You will really like it, but it is neither high in calcium, Vitamin D, or good at getting slim!

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Covered Bananas

1 c. chocolate morsels

4 tbsp. butter

6 tbsp. creamy peanut butter

Sliced bananas

Melt chocolate and peanut butter. Insert toothpicks in banana slices. Dip bananas in chocolate. Put on wax paper and freeze.