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Front Page - Friday, September 1, 2023

Simple strategies for selling your home this fall

Although spring gets all the attention when it comes to homebuying, homes sell year-round. Despite headlines, millions of existing homes are sold monthly. So, if you need to quickly sell your home this fall so you can enjoy your new home, consider the following tips.

Minimize holiday décor

One of the joys of homeownership is personalizing your space. Homeowners tend to liven up their spaces in or around October in preparation for Halloween. However, dramatic outdoor displays, loads of fake cobwebs or collections of pumpkins crowding the entryway might scare off potential buyers. The same general principle applies to fall décor.

Maintain curb appeal

You’ll want to ensure your house looks inviting as soon as potential buyers catch a glimpse of it. Make sure your house number can be read from the street and remember to keep your sidewalks clear, with all fall leaves raked up.

Light it up

As winter approaches, it starts to get darker outside earlier. If prospective buyers tour your home in the early evening hours, ensure there is as much light as possible so the house looks warm and inviting. Consider adding floor lamps in the darker areas of your home or ask your Realtor for staging recommendations.

Prepare for cooler temperatures

With colder temperatures outside, buyers will notice immediately if your heating unit isn’t working correctly. Not only will a cold or drafty house make your home uncomfortable for buyers, but they might also be wary of purchasing a new heating system.

To ensure your unit is running smoothly and provides optimal comfort, schedule a maintenance tuneup with a professional HVAC technician.

Keep your home clean

A clean home is an inviting one, so experts recommend a thorough scrubbing. In addition to tidying up and putting things away, wash your windows inside and out.

Before showing your home, consider hanging fresh towels in the bathrooms and kitchen. Set the dining room table and buy fresh flowers for vases throughout the home.

Selling your home in the fall doesn’t have to be a headache. With a bit of preparation, you’ll soon be settling into your new home.

For help with buying and selling a home, visit the HBAGC membership directory for a list of local professionals.