Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, July 9, 2010

What’ll they dream up next?

Insect Repelling SuperBand

In theory, the Insect Repelling SuperBand is a nice way to beat the bugs without slathering on greasy sprays and lotions, but when put to use, be sure you have a backup spray and plenty of anti-itch cream for the bugs that still find your blood appetizing. - Misty S. Brown
Ever since I can remember, I have been drawn to the outdoors. Whether it is floating a swift river, sitting at my favorite beach and dipping my toes in the anemones, hiking a popular trail on a local mountain, camping for the weekend with friends and family or scuba diving in a natural spring, I love being outside.
When I first moved to the South, I did not want anything to do with the not so great outdoors. Up North, we did not have to worry about copperhead and cottonmouth snakes, June bugs, extreme humidity or tornadoes. I do not recall ever seeing a tick, getting chiggers or hearing thunder as a child until I moved down here.
And let me tell you about those mosquitoes. I remember going to a church camp somewhere in Oklahoma around age 11 and coming back with more mosquito bites than I cared to count. I did actually try to count all the bites I had from my one week away from home, and I stopped after the number reached 50 on just one leg.
I have since learned to deal with the heat, watch for snakes and enjoy the summer storms, but I still have not figured out a way to make my blood less appetizing to mosquitoes.
Knowing that I would be camping at a lake, aka mosquito breeding haven, for Independence Day weekend, I looked for a bug repellant that would keep me from itching and slapping away bugs all weekend. I once used transdermal skin patches that were quite effective, but they were nowhere to be found just a few days before the popular vacationing weekend. What I did find was promising though – the Insect Repelling SuperBand.
What it is
The Insect Repelling Super-Band is a polyethylene flexible band that can fit on a wrist or ankle to repel bugs. The active ingredients injected in the plastic molding are Phillipine Geraniol Oil, Indonesian Lemongrass Oil and Citronella Oil. These ingredients are time-released, nontoxic, waterproof, safe for all ages and last up to 200 hours, according to the packaging.
Pros and cons
One thing that appealed to me about the Insect Repelling SuperBand is the fact that I would only need to slip one on my wrist and go about my day outdoors. There would be no need for oils and sprays that would make me feel sticky and I could go swimming without removing it too.
When I opened the package, the smell was very pleasant – not too harsh like most bug sprays can be, but a light scent of lemon. Since the ingredients were safe enough for kids, I was not worried about poisoning my body with chemicals that even nasty little bugs shun.
The band was also flexible and lightweight. I could wear it around my neck if I wanted to, but it was not so loose that it was difficult to stay on my wrist.
Since the SuperBand has a 200-hour lifespan, I knew it would be perfect for my entire four-day camping experience.
But there must be something so tasty about my blood that no amount of bug repellant can keep them away from me. My torso and arms have bites, but probably not as many as I would have received had I worn no repellant at all. My feet are a completely different story though since they are covered in swollen bites.
I think the band would have worked had I not swum or showered with it on or had I worn one on every limb. It could be that showering washed away some of the ingredients in the band. Or it could be that showering took away that earthy smell that might have kept bugs (and friends) away.
The mosquitoes were relentless, even when I had to resort to lathering my body in traditional sprays and lotions. My diet could even be a factor since my vegetarian aunt, who wore a natural (hippie) repellant and did not shower during the weekend, came away with only two bites. It could also be that I am just more sensitive to mosquitoes than most people are.
Whatever it is, I will be doubling and tripling up on my bug repellant on the next camping trip, whether I wear a band on each limb, bathe in Avon’s Skin-So-Soft or grease myself up with bug spray. For now I need to find the perfect antidote for making the itching subside.
Where to buy
I purchased my Insect Repelling SuperBand at Wal-Mart for 97 cents plus taxes. They were found in a seasonal area with lots of other camping supplies. I have not seen these in other stores yet, but they can be purchased and customized for businesses at the www.bugbutton.com website for 15 for $29.95.
While you are purchasing a SuperBand, you might need to throw in some Blue Star Ointment or calamine lotion if you are as sensitive to mosquitoes as I apparently am.
Have you seen a gadget you would like me to review? Send the information to misty@dailydata.com.