Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, October 30, 2020

National PTA awards thousands in COVID relief money

The National PTA recently distributed $1.25 million in COVID-19 relief funds to 150 PTAs across the country, including one in Hamilton County.

The grant allowed for the creation of free food pantries in specified learning communities in Hixson and surrounding cities.

Loftis Middle PTA was one of 150 PTAs awarded a $5,000 COVID-19 relief grant from the National PTA.

Immediate past president Christy Carroll Highfill says the money will be used to feed hungry families in the Hamilton County school district.

“When we began delivering boxes of food to families in need at the start of the pandemic, we realized the depth and scope of need in our community in a way we had never seen before.

“The National PTA COVID Relief grant we received will allow us to expand our food pantry program and stand up a free pantry system throughout our learning community.”

Source: National PTA