Hamilton Herald Masthead


Front Page - Friday, March 26, 2010

What'll they dream up next?

Gadgets, new and old, for April Fools’ Day

Growing up in a large family of practical jokesters was both a hoot and a hard time, depending on which side of the jokes you were on. Nobody in my family was exempt from all the pranks and there was not a lot you could do to prevent them from happening to you – you just had to get smart, live with it and scheme your revenge.
Prank gadgets do not have to be high-tech or expensive for April Fools’ Day. The age-old Whoopee Cushion is available just about anywhere for as little as $1.
I do not know how many times I would turn on the shower before school in my sleepy daze, only to be suddenly awoken by a stream of water straight in my face from my dad or siblings purposely angling the shower head toward the curtain and leaving the shower activated to get the next poor, unsuspecting person.
There were also those times when someone would hide in a corner and jump out and grab you when you least expected it. And who could forget when someone would hit the table and yell when you barely had a cup to your lips for a drink?
While growing up, I always had ideas for practical jokes to do back to them, but being the non-mean-spirited person I am I never brought any of them to fruition. Even the time I called my dad on April Fools’ Day 2007 with the news that I had broken my wrist playing kickball earlier that day was genuine – yes, I am, THAT clumsy, but I definitely was not joking. (The next five or six weeks with that encumbering, bright pink cast were not my favorite.)
As an adult, I have learned that laughter is the best medicine, even if it is (sometimes) at another person’s expense (just as long as you do no take a joke too far). In celebration of April Fools’ Day, here are a few gadgets to tickle your funny bone. (P.S. I take no blame for your recipient’s reactions.)
Prank gadgets for the office
Have coworkers who keep stealing your desk supplies? Let them borrow a Shocking Pen, available at www.gagsandgoods .com for $4.99, and that will teach them not to “accidentally forget” next time.
Or if you are constantly reciting Milton Waddam’s lines from Office Space, “Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler,” then perhaps the Shocking Stapler, available at www.prankplace.com for $9.98, is for you. Both will deliver a small jolt when the unsuspecting person tries to use it. Just do not get them mixed up with your other supplies or you will have to experience it firsthand.
Prank gadgets for the home
While bathroom humor should have no place in the workplace, it is fair game at home and even the kids can get involved. Remember the old Whoopee Cushion that you blow up by mouth then sit it under a cushion and waited for your innocent grandma or mom to deflate it and make a loud, explosive sound? You can find those just about anywhere for as little as a $1. Want to get into the high tech realm of flatulence fun? Try a Remote Controlled Whoopee Cushion, available at www.gadgetbargains.com for $11.95.
With an average of more than two TVs per household in the United States, there is bound to be at least one remote hog in each home. With the Covert Clicker, available at www.prankplace.com for $9.98, you can secretly change channels, turn up the volume or turn the TV on or off and drive your beloved remote hog bananas. It works with most TVs and is small enough to fit on a key ring.
Prank gadgets for the outdoors
With Tiger Woods’ recent scandal all over the media, he better watch out next time he goes out golfing with his buddies if they have The Mad Golfer’s Survival Kit. The kit, available at www.gagsandgoods.com for $19.99, is sure to get his goat and teach him a lesson or two. Among the items in the kit are: one exploding golf ball, one jet streamer golf ball, one unputtable golf ball and one disappearing golf ball.
Good luck with your April Fools’ Day pranks. Just remember to have fun, whether you are on the giving or receiving end of practical jokes because laughter is the best medicine.