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Front Page - Friday, March 5, 2010

Gadget Girl

Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner

Since the dawn of my adolescence, I have hated chores. While there are some I can tolerate more than others (laundry will be the death of me), I just cannot stand having to use my weekends and evenings to keep my place tidy when I could be relaxing or doing something fun.
I know chores are a necessary evil, but who honestly really enjoys scrubbing toilets or taking out the trash? Not me, that is for sure. Yes, I get it done, reluctantly so, but I just wish I had a pet robot to do it all for me.
Better yet, I wish things could clean themselves. I imagine that is the thought process the makers of the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner went through when they developed this product that, like the name sounds, will automatically clean your shower.
How it works
With the touch of a button, the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner will beep for 15 seconds before it starts working, allowing time for you to get out of the shower and close the curtain or door. The sprayer will spin 360 degrees for 12 seconds and dispense a pre-measured cleaning liquid to cover every area of your shower. The original unit has only one sprayer, but there is a dual sprayer available that has a better coverage area.
The unit is best used once a day after the last shower so the cleaner can interact with the water already present on the walls and floor. The cleaning solution dries to a clear, non-slippery film between showers to help keep soap scum and hard-water spotting at bay.
Pros and cons
I have not had my shower cleaner very long, but I am already enjoying the benefits of it. However, there are a few things about it that might be a drawback for others.
The unit is designed to hang from your showerhead, but it is not very sleek and will take up any space that a hanging shower caddy might already be using. It might be necessary to place it in another location in the shower.
Each 34-ounce refill lasts up to 21 cleanings, so if you activate the unit once a day, you will need a refill every three weeks.
The results are not instant, so it will take a few days to see a change. I actually scrubbed my tub after a few days of using it because I did not see immediate results, but it has worked well at maintaining a decently clean shower since then.
While it is possible to accidentally activate the unit while you are still in the shower or not ready for it to start spraying (curious children are the like-liest candidates for this scenario), you can push the button again to make it turn off. If a person is accidentally sprayed, the cleaning solution is mild enough that requires only rinsing with water. The cleaner is also safe to spray on personal-care products such as loofahs, soaps and shampoos.
See the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner in action at gadgetgirls.ning.com.
Where to buy
A Scrubbing Bubble Automatic Shower Cleaner starter kit comes with one power sprayer, one 34-ounce refill bottle and a hanger for your showerhead. The starter kit and the refills can be found in most grocery stores, drug stores and mass-merchandise retailers with other Scrubbing Bubbles products at a price range of about $12 to $28. Coupons for the unit and other Scrubbing Bubbles products are available at automaticshowercleaner.com.
Have a gadget you would like to put to the Gadget Girl test or an idea for a story? Send an e-mail to me at misty@dailydata.com.