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Front Page - Friday, February 23, 2024

Five steps to take before your actual move-in date

Moving into a new home can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. Before the boxes are unpacked and the furniture is arranged, there are several essential tasks to tackle to ensure a smooth transition into your new space. Here are five important things buyers often overlook when moving into a new home.

Switch the locks

Security should be a top priority when moving into a new home. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, burglars look for easy targets, and locks are critical to keeping your family and your property safe.

If you bought an existing home, you can never know who might still have keys to the current lock, from dog walkers to previous tenants. Hire a locksmith or purchase new locksets and handle the replacement yourself. This simple step will provide peace of mind and ensure you’re the only one with access to your home.

Set up utilities

While most people don’t forget this step, it often gets overlooked. causing delays in service. Ensure that all necessary utilities and services are set up and running smoothly in your new home before moving in.

Since most companies require advanced notice, and installation appointments can take a few weeks to schedule, contact each provider well before your move-in date to transfer existing services or set up new accounts.

Additionally, make sure you understand how to operate any systems in your home, such as the thermostat, security alarm and irrigation system. Being proactive about setting up utilities and familiarizing yourself with your new home’s systems will help to prevent any surprises down the road.

Changing your address

Update your address with the post office, banks, credit card companies, utility providers, insurance companies and any other relevant organizations. You should also change your mailing address on all subscription services so you don’t miss out on Amazon deliveries or the latest show on Netflix.

Setting up mail forwarding with the post office can help ensure that you receive any mail that’s still sent to your old address. The USPS also offers many great services for new homeowners including Informed Delivery and special discounts from area retailers and services that come in handy for home improvement or design projects.

Deep clean

Before fully settling in, take the time to give your new home a thorough cleaning or hire a cleaning service. Even if the home is new or the previous owners cleaned before leaving, dust and dirt can accumulate while the house was empty and being viewed by prospective homeowners.

Scrub the floors, wipe down surfaces, clean the bathrooms and kitchen, and dust hard-to-reach areas. Don’t forget to clean inside cabinets and closets as well. A deep clean will help you feel more comfortable and make the space truly your own.

Learn how your home works

Adjusting to a new home comes with its own set of challenges, but being prepared for unexpected issues is key. Be sure to take note of where the circuit breaker and water shut-off valve are located during walkthroughs so you’re ready for power outages or the occasional leak. Likewise, take a few minutes before the move-in date to locate and test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, but it also requires careful attention to certain tasks to ensure a smooth transition. For a list of professionals to help you make your move as stress-free as possible, visit the members directory at the Home Builders Association of Greater Chattanooga’s website, hbagc.net.